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How to create a Gmail account for FREE?

Create a Gmail account for free which is a web based email account, in which emails are stored on internet rather than your PC. It can be a wide and flexible option as you can access emails from any computer that has internet access.

You’ll need a Gmail ID to be able to login to Gmail. In this article, we will describe the procedure to create a Gmail account.

Steps to create a Gmail account:

  1. Open any web browser available on your computer and go to or or open Google home page
  2. Click on Gmail at the top right corner of the page.
  3. Now you will be in the “Sign in” section. As you don’t have any Gmail account click on “Create an account”.
  4. Now in the process to create a gmail account, you will see a new page where Google asks for some information about you. At first, you have to enter your First and Last Name. Then choose your username which needs to be unique and that will be placed before ””. Google may have to check the username to make sure that on one already has it. Type a username on the respective box and fill out the rest of your information. Continue filling up the forms new password; Birthday; Gender; Mobile number; current email address if you have any; type-in the number that your in the image and lastly location.
    Make sure that you have checked on the box saying that you agree the Google terms of service and privacy policy and click to the “Next step” button.
    If the username you requested is already being used by someone else, then you will get respective message offering you some alternatives. Now, you can either accept one of the alternatives or type another username and check its availability again. And again fill up the other boxes. You have to do this a few times until you finalize your valid email address.You will need to enter a password with at least 8 characters long so that you can log on to your account securely. It’s better to use password combining the numbers and letters so that is difficult to guess. You need to re-enter your password to confirm it. It will also ask you to enter some random words on the bottom, to ensure that you are not a robot.
  5. Next step you can skip it and also go it later its about making your Google Plus setup.
  6. Congratulation! you have successfully manage to create a gmail account.
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