View Google Contacts – Right Now

View Google Contacts! Here in this page you’ll find how you can view your Google contacts. You’ll have to follow the described procedures below on how to view Google contacts. In this page, you’ll find the step-by-step process on how to view Google contact with images as well. If you are using Android phone remember all your phone contact will be automatically synchronized with your Google account.

How to view Google Contacts direct?

  1. First of all, you’ll have login / sign in to your Google account. To do that, we recommend you open a new window and try the procedures on there. So that you can see this page at the same time and the steps.
  2. On the address bar of the new window type in and press enter or return.view google contacts
  3. Right after it loads, on the top right hand corner of the page you will see a blur rectangular link with ‘Sign in’ click on it.view google contacts
  4. Enter your Google/Gmail email address to login in.
  5. Now, input the password and uncheck the ‘Stay signed in’ and click ‘Sign in’ to sign-in to your Google.
  6. Click the 9 (nine) small square shape icon just beside Gmail, Images.
  7. Click on ‘More’, as more services loads you’ll see Contacts icon. Click on it to view your Google contacts.screen-shot-2016-09-08-at-11-55-11-amview google contacts

How to view Google contacts from your Gmail?

  1. You must first of all do the sign in to your Gmail account.
  2. On the address bar type-in and sign in to your Gmail account with password.
  3. On your Gmail mailbox page, right above the COMPOSE link you’ll see Gmail with a small downward pointed arrow. Check image for reference.view google contacts
  4. Click on the Gmail as dropdown options loads with Gmail, Contacts and Tasks
  5. Click on Contacts to view Google Contact in your account.
  6. Finally, the page load with all your Google Contacts.view google contacts

Google Contact – Quick & Easy

Google contact is where you have all your online contact stored in your email account. In this page, we have explained on how you can create a new contact in your Google Contact, how you can view your Google contact list. To have all the contact online is the best way to store and save. Why? Because you can view your Google contact from any part of the world with Internet access and if you lose your contact from your smart devices you can always retrieve from Google Contact.

How to view your Google contact list?

  1. First of all, one must have to sign in to your Google account. Open a new window by using keyboard shortcut key or go to File and click on new window. By using keyboard shortcut key combination for windows operating system is CTRL+N and for MAC users it’s COMMAND+N.
  2. Type in to do the Google Sign In.
  3. Enter your Google Email address and click on ‘Next’ and enter your password and click on Sign in. Not being able to do Google Sign in – How to do Google Sign In? How to recover Google Email password?google contact
  4. After sign in is completed, go to top left hand side corner and click on the down wards small arrow beside the word ‘Gmail’ that you see under the Google logo.
  5. A drop down menu appears with Gmail, Contacts & Tasks. Click on ‘Contacts’google contact
  6. Automatically, a new tab will open showing you all your Google contact

How to add/create contact on Google contact?

  1. First of all, you’ll need to sign in to your Gmail account and follow the above steps mentioned on How to view your Google contact list?
  2. On the same page, on your bottom right hand corner you’ll see a red icon. Click on it – and enter the name and details of the person you want to add/create the contact of.

For more details on – how to add/create new contact in Google?